Pride of Australia

In 1992, successful apple breeder John Cripps (creator of the Pink Lady) crossed the popular Cripps Red and Royal Gala apple varieties. Over the following 20 years the resulting trees and fruit were cultivated, tested and developed. In 2014 the ANABP 01 variety was released for trials in Australian orchards and in 2016 there was a celebrated launch of Bravo apples into the Australian retail market.

Bravo apples are grown across the Australian mainland (Queensland – Stanthorpe; New South Wales – Orange & Batlow; Victoria – Yarra Valley, Goulburn Valley & Mornington Peninsula; South Australia – Adelaide Hills; Western Australia – Manjimup, Donnybrook/Kirup & Perth Hills). There are over 80 growers across these regions who have invested around $30 million to establish the ANABP 01 variety of apple, with premium grade fruit marketed as Bravo™ apples – LIKE NO OTHER.

It’s not just Australia where demand for Bravo apples has been growing rapidly. The Bravo™ apple has been sold into Singapore, Hong Kong, Dubai, Saudi Arabia, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia and Philippines.

Casuarina Valley Orchards, Manjimup, WA

Newton Orchards, Manjimup WA.